Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Someone's Bored...

your unique death

Created by ddgt8 and taken 898 times on Bzoink

actual age
age you act
if killed by animal it would be:rabid beaver
if killed by person it would be:yourself
if killed by car it would be:toyota
if killed by medical condition it would be:mental retardation

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umm. ok.

MASH (for old time sake)

Created by gntodorovich and taken 22797 times on Bzoink

Number of siblings
First word that comes to mind
Pick a number, any number
You will live in a(n)Mansion
You will marryCurrent bf/gf
You will have this many kids18
You will live hereUS
You will be a(n)Teacher

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18??? Whatthe???

What Odd Event Will Happen In Your Future?

Created by KerianaWilliams and taken 33609 times on Bzoink

Do you like ducks?
Is Pepsi evil?
What's your opinion of geese?
What's the plural of moose?
In your future...You will be tied to a floor lamp and forced to watch the Disney Channel for three weeks straight.
It will happen on...September 18, 2076
You'll be traumatized for life.True

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old news. duh.

ayoko na nga.


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