Thursday, November 01, 2007

happy *hingal* halloweeeeen...*bagsak*...

The new camera I got for my birthday arrived literally 20 minutes before we were set to go to St. A's for Angel's Halloween Parade. Whew.

Ang saya! All the kids (and the faculty even) were dressed up in their costumes, with some very funny, very cute and very creative costumes (my personal favorites were the Blue Man group, the Ghostbusters, and Jacob as Elvis, haha). Angel was "Angelcat", her very own superhero. You should've seen these guys work it with their costumes--well, wouldn't you, with PSP's and iPod's at stake for prizes? And of course, the entire Halloween spirit. Who doesn't love Halloween? :)

Afterwards, we all headed off to the factory outlets for some "kiddie" trick-or-treating, and then downtown for the real thing, with the old Victorian houses decked up in their best Halloween decor. I have to admit, people here really put their efforts into one night of candy-giving. I loved that big Victorian house with the huge, sweeping cobwebbed staircase and where "The Devil" (complete with mechanical flapping wings) gave out handfuls of candy. I think me and Anna passed off for middle-schoolers (wahaha), and all these people were saying, "Oooh...look at those cute schoolgirls!" Hahaha.

Then there was the small incident of forgetting which street we parked the car, so at the end of the evening we were so exhausted from running all over downtown in search of it, but so amped up on sugar rush and Halloween-itis. Hehe. Definietely a great first authentic trick-or-treat experience for me (and Anna, as well), where we actually got to dress up and collect--no, amass--candy, as opposed to just waiting for our small nieces and nephews come knocking trick-or-treat at our door :)

Happy Halloween, everyone!

* for my pics :p



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