Thursday, February 21, 2008


I almost crashed into a tree the other night. I was driving, just picked my sister up from an evening activity in school. It was raining hard and I guess I drove too close to the curb and the gutter water splashed all over the car, including the windshield and the right side windows. For about five seconds, I couldn't see a thing, I was panicked, I was so scared I almost lost control of the car. I felt the car hit the curb, go over the curb and that's when I guess I recovered my senses and slammed the brakes as hard as I can. I was inches from that tree, I swear.

I can't even remember the time since I last was so scared.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hala. buti di kayo nabangga...

er--goodluck with being a racecar driver though. hehe.

5:16 PM, February 21, 2008  

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