Today's Thoughts
Either I'm regressing this early or I'm just bored. I've been having this weird obsession over stuffed animals lately--I've even come to the point of giving all of them names. Not something a 22-year old should be doing. Then again, I'm probably not your normal 22-year old. There's just a little over a week before I go back to school. Not that I want to. Even with all the boredom and the doing nothing that my whole summer has been all about, I kinda like the thought of extending that unproductive streak. It wasn't something I completely liked nor felt good about, but I liked the sense of change that it brought my life. I sooo needed that. One thing that doesn't seem to change is the weather. I'm a summer girl, and I usually would take sunlight over rain any given day, but this is crazy! It's so sweltering hot that even when I'm holed up in my room with the AC unit running full blast, I still feel all gross and sticky. Eww. I'm watching Oprah and there's this girl recovering from her addiction of cutting herself. She's saying how she grew up in a religious family but she never felt religious because that was her parents' religion--it wasn't her own. And I'm nodding my head and going, "I sooo agree with that." Like the girl, I respect my family's beliefs but they also should learn to respect that my relationship with God is a personal one and one that no one else would undestand. Not that I'm a complete non-believer or anything--I like being Catholic but there's just this part of me that seeks to explore the beliefs that other people have. I don't think it makes me unloyal to my faith. I'm trying out for this contributor spot in Chalk Magazine, as recommended by a friend. I hope I get it. I think it's good for me since I've recently rediscovered my passion for writing (thanks to blogging) and I think it's a great way of putting it to good use. My relatives are arriving from the US next Tuesday. It's been 3 years since I last saw them and I'm pretty psyched. Now, if only I don't have to go back to school soon... My mom and her sister are finally in good terms again after no correspondence at all in over a year. I'm really happy for them. I can't imagine not having a good relationship with my sister Anna. She's my best friend and one of the few people who have truly been behind me in anything. I think that even when we eventually get on with our own lives as adults we'll still be as close as we are today. |
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