Wednesday, March 14, 2007

groovy. interesting.

They say it comes in threes. Well, two great nights of fun and laughter so far. I wonder when Night 3's gonna be.

Night 1 - Haraya Night of Music
Disco was the theme and from it, lots of happy, groovy tunes and dance moves was to be expected. There weren't that many students (in fact, attendances in these college events undeniably dwindled upon moving in to the new building), but nevertheless, it was a night of great tunes, cool moves and happy memories.

Student performances, although in need of a little polishing, were very much appreciated. The admin and staff were not to be outdone. Joel's band, the Soul Brothers, "rocked the night away" (as Jacko would say). It was fun performing with my Do Not Delay brothers, after nearly a year. I get a little bit sentimental thinking that it may be the last time we take the stage--Joel's graduating and I'm going back to the States (and staying a bit longer) in a few month's time. But as the optimist in me would say, "Don't dwell on the 'what ifs'." After all, with friends, there are no definite goodbyes.

Night 2 - Beat the Geeks and Tomatokick
I was groggy waking up this morning after a tiring (but super fun) Tuesday night. Saku and I were supposed to be in Marikina by 9 to do a site visit on our current renovation project. Boy, was it the worst time ever to do so. Summer's definitely settling in and there's no stopping the UV rays from wreaking havoc into our skins. Ang init!!!! After that, we decided to take a cab back to UP to avoid both heat and traffic. We should have known better.

AF hosted a Beat the Geeks-type competition between students and faculty, as an offering for Haraya Week. Leave it to our professors to leave us in stitches. I will never forget the sight of Prof. Silvestre's pouty I-hate-that-it's-not-going-my-way-kuno face, and Prof. del Castillo's dolphin-enjoying-sex maneuver. My face hurt from laughing too much, and I literally felt my tummy muscles harden (haha, asa!). No big prize was at stake, but I guess it's the spirit of just hanging out as colleagues and ka-lokohans that got the best of all of us.

After a grueling showdown of wits (the word antics might be more appropriate), AF settled down to hold it's Miting de Abanse for candidates for next schoolyear's execom. I was glad to be there to witness these "kids" act and think like mature college student leaders, all for love of the org. Nakaka-taba ng puso. I was happy to hear plans of not just upholding tradition, but more importantly, new ideas to keep the org we love so much strong and alive. It's these times that I feel like not all hope is lost for today's students. I'm happy.

Apparently, most of us were, and that led to dinner and drinks over at Tomatokick. There's just something about that place that makes people act loud and crazy. Maybe it's the good food. Or the laid-back ambiance. Or the cocktails. Or maybe its just the company I was with (no matter how zany, and purple-faced and pukey and mooshi-mooshi people can get, haha!). Leni, Agnes, Dax, Jika, Saku, Janmikebading, JP, Tal, Sudar, X, Jas, Fae, Arni, Rap, Shayne and Mary--thanks for the great evening. Weird but great. Interesting. After a long day at work, you guys just happen to make it seem alright. Salamat! *mwah*

They say it comes in threes. Hmmm. Do I smell freshly-brewed Benguet coffee on the way? Nyahahaha....

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Blogger Baboysai said...

It's the people you're with. Definitely. hehe.

7:54 AM, March 15, 2007  

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